8705 Steffas rd.
Monroe, MI 48162
United States
ph: 734-654-9238
I starting a new job 7/2/2018Tuseday I will be here . Working on Dave's Nitro , I carpeted the wood on the rack to put the boat on . .RepairsChips an scratchesChips across the bottom 7/3Chop off the damage , an working on the bottom white repairs .I fiberglass with matting & resinI got the glass on . Its hotter today 7/4/2018I have the body work done on the bottom . Working on all the corner chips between rain storm . Crazy weather we are having , another hot day 7/5I have the bottom tape off an ready for gelcoatReady for gelcoat 7/5Boat is cover 7/6Hole is repaired an gelcoated an all the repairs in whiteWhite is on , letting the white dry . . Gelcoats drying . . . Gelcoats drying . . . Keel repairs are sprayed an drying 7/6I will straighten up the white line , an I have a black mist flakes ,I repaired the corners that were chip off , now this is blue frame flakes an clear gelcoat .There are 2 silver flakes repairs , getting things ready too spray on . 7/6I sprayed some silver today 7/7 &I have this corner repair flaked an clear gelcoat . let this dry .I got the blue flakes are on , an clearcoat ,The May flies are back . 7/9Back too my shop . Here is a spot that the rack was on at the marina . 7/12I put a little more gelcoat on to clean up the corners .7/13A shaper corner . Better , letting it dryNow I have everything on an I will wet sanded an buff tomorrow . 7/14All wet sanded an buff . All back together .Yes I wash and wax the boat, an vacuum the carpet , well David come an get it 7/15
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8705 Steffas rd.
Monroe, MI 48162
United States
ph: 734-654-9238